Policies and procedures
A page within Human Resources
Policy Updates

The University of Wisconsin System and the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse are governed by policies created by the State of Wisconsin, the Board of Regents of the UW System, and Institutional Policies. Please use the links below to explore each area that has developed policies that affect our employees. For an overview of policies at UWL, visit the Employee Handbook page.
UW System policies
Wisconsin State Administrative Code
These rules were promulgated in accordance with the rulemaking authority vested in the Board of Regents by Chapter 36 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The rules govern areas such as the use of university facilities, conduct, and dismissal of personnel.
Last modified: 08/04/2019
Board of Regents Policies
Regent Policy Documents have been adopted pursuant to the policy-making authority vested in the Board by Chapter 36 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The Regent Policies address, but are not limited to academic policies and programs, equal opportunity, tuition and fees, housing, activities of faculty members, student activities, and trust and investment policies.
Last modified: 08/04/2019
University of Wisconsin System Administrative Code
UW System administrative policies and procedures are applicable systemwide and cover academic, financial, and general administration issues. The policies and procedures provide specific direction to UW System institutions and Administrative policies are central to the governance of the UW System. They are issued and approved by the UW System President.
Last modified: 08/04/2019
University Personnel System Policies
The University Personnel System (UPS) Operational Policies provide the framework for UW institutions, other than UW-Madison, to extend the UW Board of Regents’ authority to university staff. On July 15, 2019, these policies were integrated into the UW System Administrative Policies & Procedures as the 1200 series.
Last modified: 08/04/2019
UW-La Crosse policies
All Employees
Faculty & Instructional Staff Overload Information: Document provides guidance and information in regards to approved examples of overload payments.
Faculty & Academic Staff Overload Policy (UW-La Crosse policy): Policy statement was developed by Academic Affairs and Administration and Finance in line with the UW System Overload Policy and approved by Faculty Senate on 11/12/15
Fringe Allocation Process: Document provides details on how the fringe allocation process will be conducted effective July 1, 2015.
Payment to Individuals through Foundation Resources: Document provides guidelines and step by step information on the process for paying individuals through Foundation funds.
- Terminal Banked Leave Payouts
Document provides details on the policy and procedures for the management of lump sum payment of ALRA or banked sabbatical.
Frequently Asked Budget Funding Questions and Topics: Document provides an FAQ listing of common questions and topics about utilization of funds and resources.
- UWL Foundation Requisition Guidelines: Document provides guidelines on reimbursements to University employees from the Foundation and utilizing Gift Funds.
Grants/Contract Clearing Accounts: Document provides detail on the change in funding source for Grants & Contract clearing accounts effective July 1, 2016.
Guide for Managing a Department's Financial Resources: Document provides a high level overview of managing departmental accounts and provides a useful guide for new staff.
PR Balance Reserve Policy
Document provides policies and procedures for managing and reporting on program revenue balances in accordance with UW System Board of Regent policy. -
Search and Screen Budget Procedures (Non-GQA Positions): Document provides details and instructions on how to fund/budget for search and screen costs for non-GQA positions.
VOIP Guide (Voice-Over IP Telephone System): Provides one page informational guide on the new VOIP Telephone System that was implemented July 1, 2015 to include billing details and reporting capabilities.
ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Policies and Procedures (link to Provost website):
- Administrative searches
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Children in the workplace
- Code of ethics and conflicts of interest
- Consensual relationships policy
- Criminal background checks
- Degree waiver policy
- Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation
- Domestic partnership policy & procedure
- Drug-free workplace policy
- Employee handbook
- Employee educational assistance policy
- Employee relocation expense policy
- Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Harassment and assault reporting (federal grants)
- Holiday decor guidelines
- Inclement weather policy
- Information Technology policies
- Layoff policy
- Mandatory reporting requirement for suspected child abuse and neglect (Executive order 54)
- Minor protection and adult leadership policy
- Nepotism Policy
- Open meetings law
- Outside activity reporting
- Overload payments for faculty and academic staff policy
- Overtime
- Payroll policy
- Political activity
- Public records notice (Executive order 189)
- Rehired annuitant policies
- Security report and policy statement for UWL (Clery Act information)
- Service animal policy
- Sexual harassment policy
- Spousal and partner hiring
- Telecommuting, Telework, Working Remotely
- Term-limited assistant/associate dean position recruitment policy
- Violence in the workplace policy
- Wisconsin Bone Marrow and Organ Donation Act
Misc. Policies
Last modified: 05/03/2023
- By-Laws Template for all Academic Departments (Faculty Senate Approved)
- College of Business Administration Departmental By-Laws
- College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities Departmental By-Laws
- College of Science and Health Departmental By-Laws
- School of Education (Department of Educational Studies) By-Laws
- Murphy Library (Library Department) By-Laws
- Academic year definition
- Annual paid leave summary
- Remuneration and Release for Department Chairs
- Payroll information
- Faculty Reduction to Part-Time Appointment
- Unclassified personnel rules (Unclassified personnel rules are a portion of the Wisconsin Administrative Code specific to the UW System separate from the UPGs)
- Tenure clock stoppage (UWL 3.04(4))
- Retention/tenure (see also UWL 3.06)
Last modified: 05/03/2023
Instructional Academic Staff
- Faculty senate (IAS)
- Performance evaluations
- Payroll information
- Promotion for instructional academic staff (IAS)
- Unclassified personnel guidelines (UPG)
- Unclassified personnel rules (Unclassified personnel rules are a portion of the Wisconsin Administrative Code specific to the UW System separate from the UPGs)
Last modified: 08/12/2020
Non-Instructional Academic Staff
- Academic year definition
- Academic staff council
- Annual paid leave summary
- Performance evaluations
- Payroll information
- Promotion for instructional academic staff (IAS)
- Unclassified personnel guidelines (UPG)
- Unclassified personnel rules (Unclassified personnel rules are a portion of the Wisconsin Administrative Code specific to the UW System separate from the UPGs)
Last modified: 08/12/2020
University Staff
- Annual paid leave summary (.pdf)
- Compensation plan
- Crafts workers
- Discretionary Merit Compensation (DMC)
- ESS/MSS electronic time and leave reporting
- Grievance Procedures
- Overtime and compensatory leave policy
- Payroll information
- Performance evaluations
- Reclassification
- University Staff Council
- Workplace Expectations and Disciplinary Procedures
Last modified: 08/12/2020